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Hog Hunt
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Hog Hunt
Since 2009 Dakel Hog Hunts has focused on providing high quality service along with customer satisfaction. We will do everything we can to meet your expectations. Please take some time to look over our website, as most questions are answered within. Owners Dave and Kelly Sommerhauser will work with your hunting party to assure you the best time during your hunt. We offer an on your own style (FAIR CHASE) hog hunt. We never double book parties (when hunting at Dakel Ranch only your hunting party will be on the property) to assure your group the best chance of a hog harvest. All stands are safe (wood style) with a range of 20 yards to field and power line shots of over 300 yards. There are several stands near field and power line cut area set up for wind direction changes as well as bow and rifle shots. This does not mean that everyone in the hunting party should or has to hunt together. You are not limited to this area only, we have stands located all over the property and SUGGEST HUNTERS SPREAD OUT AND COVER AS MUCH AREA AS POSSIBLE. During the day I suggest woods or game trail hunting and field of power line (feeder hunting) at night. You will hear this a lot on this website but I can not stress night hunting enough. Hog are most active at night which means hunters should be active from dusk till dawn. TRUST ME WHEN I SAY ALTHOUGH FIELD STANDS ARE EASY ACCESS AND ARE LOCATED NEAR FEEDERS, DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL SHOOT A HOG WITHING MINUTES OF SITTING THERE. IT DOES TAKE SOME WORK AND I MYSELF FAVOR GAME TRAILS LEADING TO FEEDERS. Dakel Hog Ranch has worked hard to maintain a property area that feral hogs roam. We work very hard to decrease the state of Missouri's feral hog populations by means of hunting, trapping and gathering information on hogs habits to further our resources for feral hog population eradication. We use a corn mix bait (1200 pounds weekly) plus small food plots to maintain a yearlong food source.
WE DO NOT release hogs to hunt. The hogs on property are wild "feral hogs" they are not fenced in or farm raised.
THIS 100% FAIR CHASE HUNT. Dakel Hog Hunts is a friendly family run company that keeps prices lower than any other hog hunt ranch in the state. We believe that if we do our best to make your hunt as successful as it can be along with keeping prices within reach of most average hunters along with offering the take a child hunting program (as always Dakel Hog Hunts will never charge you to bring a child hunting. One free child 16 and younger for every paying hunter) Everyone wins and we will build a yearly return customer for life. We allow trailer camping or cabin rental. We do not charge for trailer camping and we do include electric hook up for campers for free.
There is a well on the property with 2 access faucets near cabin. There is an outdoor shower located next to well pump -"bathroom" area.
Remember feral hogs are mostly a nocturnal animal. This means you must be ready to sit out at night for your best chance to harvest a hog.
Call us today at 636-282-2805 - 314-640-1857
www.Dakelhoghunts.net or email us at davidsdakel@aol.com Like us on Facebook